The areas of WIMA Widzewska Manufaktura will soon regain their former splendor and receive new functions. A mixed-use project will be created here, offering offices, apartments for rent, commercial and service premises as well as open spaces for rest and recreation, including a gastronomic and cultural zone.
The revitalized 100-year-old park with a fountain will be a common meeting point for all users and guests, as well as the green heart of the investment. Modern A-class offices will find their place in the former “American” spinning mill (where cotton from the USA was processed), while the twisting and changing rooms will be adapted for housing purposes.
In the new concept of WIMA Widzewska Manufaktura, it was extremely important to create a modern, technologically advanced space for work, living and recreation with full respect for the historical heritage of this place. Therefore, the architectural design has preserved the elements of the former factory buildings, in particular the brick walls of the external walls and the original cast iron pillars in the planned office spaces and in the park. The aesthetics of the body of the office building in the part of the extension comes from the inspiration of the spinning thread system, which is not only an impressive visual treatment, but also a nod to the history and original function of this building.
Widzewska Manufaktura w Łodzi trafiła w ręce nowego właściciela – Cavatina Holding.…
Widzewska Manufaktura w Łodzi trafiła w ręce nowego właściciela – Cavatina Holding.…
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